If you read the archives (and this is one of the more re-readable cicmos), you will see that the bat was trying to draw him into the comic even before Max could fully see spirits.I believe Isabel is in the foreground, so the bat's actions aren't something spectrals can just sense.
Actually, that suggests a qeitsuon. Are spirits able to see what colour of spectral energy a normal human will have and only possess those who will be the same colour as them, or is it entirely determined by the colour of the spirit that possesses them?Also, even though I think this is something that I'll have to wait to learn, I wonder how the colour of a Spectral's energy is determined when their conversion is due to be exposed to a lot of spirits/ghosts/tools (presuming that each one will have its own specific colour)?
disse:Boa noite pessoal, s quero dizer que gosto muito de vcs, acho que um dos melorhes grupos da atualidade na igreja adventista, muito bomo minist rio de vcs, qque Deus continue aben oando este lindo trabalho.