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Passeio Pedestre




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Data: 23-Mar-2013
Por: ccihtewyy
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Data: 21-Mar-2013
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Data: 20-Mar-2013
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Data: 19-Mar-2013
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Data: 19-Mar-2013
Por: uflkdcenu
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Data: 19-Mar-2013
Por: Andrei
Comment: I think go ahead and have a chnage. Why not? However I think if you're going to chnage then make the full chnage. No use having a blog URL of twopinkpossums and a blog that's called something entirely different. That makes no sense to me and while people who know your history will understand it, new readers will be confused.Did you know you can actually import your blog posts to a new blog these days. So if you did make the big chnage you could always bring the history with you. Or just direct people from old to new.I went from BigCat to Tinniegirl and it worked just fine.

Data: 18-Mar-2013
Por: uzqutls
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Data: 18-Mar-2013
Por: cjxvvhuedjn
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Data: 17-Mar-2013
Por: Satchell
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Data: 17-Mar-2013
Por: Alan
Comment: Full of salient pionts. Don't stop believing or writing!

Data: 21-Out-2012
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