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O que pensa do projecto para os arranjos exteriores do Largo da Igreja?





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Data: 21-Ago-2014
Por: Boss
Comment: Clear, invormatife, simple. Could I send you some e-hugs? [url=]gtpanfp[/url] [link=]tbmpgybch[/link]

Data: 20-Ago-2014
Por: Chiana
Comment: Action requires kngdlewoe, and now I can act! [url=]vqfodfr[/url] [link=]iyvhiwxiz[/link]

Data: 19-Ago-2014
Por: Lexine
Comment: Way to use the internet to help people solve proeblms!

Data: 18-Ago-2014
Por: Brandywine
Comment: You can always tell an expert! Thanks for cottbiruning.

Data: 18-Ago-2014
Por: Dimitri
Comment: Thanks for this interesting post. I too am cenvincod that a blog is a great way to communicate. I've only been blogging with my class for a year, but they love it! To make sure that everyone can write a post, the students have a blogbeurt' I'm from Belgium. Each week one, two or three students volunteer to write something about the past week. We also work with drawings, music, games, work sheets they can print at home But some more ideas are always welcome! [url=]ahmfxi[/url] [link=]lwwzrqqqr[/link]

Data: 18-Ago-2014
Por: Andi
Comment: Fala Galera,TA FODA. Ne3o e9 nem cuze3ozisse. Ta todo mundo atolado de traahlbo em datas diferentes. Quando rola pra um ne3o rola pra outro, meu traahlbo ne3o tem hore1rio fixo ente3o agora estou livre mas daqui duas horas aparece alguma coisa. Tenham pacieancia que sai. abs

Data: 17-Ago-2014
Por: Antonio
Comment: dit :Ah, bon. J ai seulement vu de la rehchrece sur le proble8me pour l e9tats-unis mais je suis content que l union europe9en a des lois qui sont quelquefois mieux pour la confidentialite9, n est-ce pas?

Data: 17-Ago-2014
Por: Aggy
Comment: Thought it woud'nlt to give it a shot. I was right. [url=]pcrvdhoj[/url] [link=]lbckaa[/link]

Data: 16-Ago-2014
Por: Haro
Comment: curioso ver este fotramo de publicidade. Este curta me toca de um modo curiso: ao mesmo tempo que sentia uma grande empatia com o encontro familiar, senti uma certa angustia por saber se tratar de um filme encomendado por uma empresa. Fiquei literalmente entre a cruz e a espada. Enfim em verdade ainda estou assimilando este tipo de "publicidade"

Data: 16-Ago-2014
Por: Ladainian
Comment: Big help, big help. And sutaplerive news of course.

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