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Data: 02-Dez-2015
Por: Ali
Comment: Hey hi Sally Br!I bought the black beans right after you put this recpie up, but did not get around to making your recpie. But my daughter is here visiting now, and she wanted to cook something not-too-difficult. I showed her your recpie and away she went. Used the beans I bought (Mexican) but went to Whole Foods (to buy herself some mochi) and came home with some Virginia ham. I'm kind of off bacon (it is so so salty). She tasted pancetta they had, but they convinced her to try the Virginia ham. She chose one she liked.So there was a small difference from your recpie. But oh my goodness, those beans are wonderful!!!Yours is a great basic recpie that makes a very satisfying meal. Good ingredients, cooked well, and so satisfying. Absolutely a great reminder about how simple and delightful simplicity is. A poem, a recpie, food as best as it can be.I am looking forward to your feijoada!Thanks so much for this post.T [url=]aybqyzgmmc[/url] [link=]gdoxpxe[/link]

Data: 30-Nov-2015
Por: Sajid
Comment: Hello Tessgood that you caught my slab part I will cnaghe the wording because I meant to say two thick slices of bacon. Here I can find it easily, but if folks only have access to the packaged stuff in the grocery stores, they should use four of those slices. I will cnaghe it right away. Same goes for the pancetta, if you only have access to the packages sliced very thin, I would use around 6 slices. The amount is not too critical either, as long as you adjust the salt accordingly. A friend of mine uses A TON of bacon because he likes it that way the sausage part is absolutely flexible 2 cups of beans make a lot, will feed 8 people. Add as much sausage as people would eat, I'd say 4 would be enough. If you add more, it doesn't hurt anything. Normally in Brazil people always have rice and beans as a side dish for beef, pork or chicken. It is not too common to have it plain, but I see nothing wrong with it as far as overcooking the bean will have no bite at all, will be very soft and mushy. It will still be tasty, but not as good. This is the kind of dish that can take a lot of abuse, though . almost impossible to ruin it. Watery beans are horrible, but even that mistake can be easily fixed by simmering it down.

Data: 30-Nov-2015
Por: Diana
Comment: The Grill is open again. I haven't tried many of their dishes, just a few happy hour apzetipers. The mandioca fritas come with a yummy, somewhat spicy dip that seems like a mix of German mustard and something I haven't yet identified. I also tried beef kabobs that come with a Brazilian version of Togolese gari (grated, roasted cassava/manioc) that you are supposed to roll the meat in before eating. Rather ruins the meat. (Only thing you should mix gari with is beans and red palm oil, in my opinion.)Anyway, the caipirihnas are delicious and only $4 during happy hour. [url=]smueou[/url] [link=]dbehzc[/link]

Data: 29-Nov-2015
Por: Busiswa
Comment: Favinha, gostaria de reebecr todos os email que tivese animais pois gosto muito, todos os dias eu abro meus email so pra ver se vc mandou algo para mim ,gostaria muito de ver o do abrae7o dos pandas mais naf5 consequi abrir. Fico muito feliz quando recebo seus email, que Deus te guarde hoje e sempre. bjs Milce9ia.

Data: 27-Nov-2015
Por: Safy
Comment: Je n'ai jamais gofbte9 les hoircats noirs. Dans ma re9gion nous avons des hoircats blancs qui e9taient cultive9s par les paysans autrefois et qui e0 pre9sent sont de plus en plus appre9cie9s. Ce sont les mongetes del ganxet qui, un jour, deviendront connus comme votre feijoada

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